Do you have feedback or questions regarding the HOPPER?
Below, you find a USER MANUAL with the most important info regarding the HOPPER including a first steps manual as well as contact information in case there are any service issues. Please also take the opportunity to give us your FEEDBACK on your ride with the HOPPER.
Quick start: How to book and open the HOPPER
- Book the vehicle via the „SWA Carsharing“ app. This is also possible in advance, so you can reserve the hopper.
- At the time of booking: Click on „Open“ in the app. The vehicle can now be started.
- Press the power button on the steering wheel.
- Open the combination lock and stow it in the vehicle (the number code will be given by the contact person at the city).
- Release the handbrake (located under the right-hand dashboard. Hold the button at the end of the brake, pull gently and then let it slide back while keeping the button pressed)
- Return the hopper to the starting point.
- Pull the handbrake.Switch off the vehicle (press and hold for about 3 seconds until the display goes off).
- End the journey in the app.
- Connect the combination lock through the wheel with a stable object (e.g. a fence or post).
You can pause the ride at any time. You don’t need the app for this!
- Find a suitable parking space (e.g. meadow, car park… anywhere that is not in the way).
- Pull the handbrake.
- Switch off the engine by pressing the button on the steering wheel (hold for about 3 seconds until the display goes off).
- Lock the tyre with the combination lock.
Regelmäßige Fragen
The pilot project runs from mid-September to mid-November. The vehicle will be made available for use within working hours. The exact times are to be agreed with the TU Eindhoven. However, the Hopper is definitely not drivable in the evenings, weekends or at night because the battery is removed for charging.
To use the Hopper, you must be part of the pilote project. Employees from the TU Eindhoven can be part of the project.
If this is the case, the following steps are necessary:
- Register via the registration page.
- Download the app „SWA Carsharing“ to your mobile phone.
- We check the details and if everything is correct, we pass them on to the person responsible at your location. This person will contact you with an appointment.
- At the appointment, you will be given an introduction to the vehicle and the data for your app account and the pin code for the combination lock.
Now you can use the hopper during working hours.
The hopper is lent on a station basis, accordingly the hopper must also be returned to the same location where it was lent.
Contact for service or feedback
You have a question and can’t find the answer in the user manual? Then please feel free to contact our service department:
Phone: +49 0176 85608446
Full User Manual
Is this your first ride with the HOPPER and do you want to know how to get started? Or did you already take a tour but you’re currently not getting any further? Then please click on User Manual below. There you will find instructions on how to get started and answers to the most frequently asked questions:
Give us your feedback
You’re on a HOPPER ride and would like to give us Feedback? We can’t wait to learn from your experiences. Please follow the link below and let us know your thoughts.